Hello, Joystarter!
I am so glad you chose to invest in yourself by purchasing this journal! It is a beautiful celebration of all I teach others and use in my own life!
Here are some things to consider as you use this JOY Journal:
There is blank space daily for doodling, drawing, notes, revelations, and musings. On the other page, you have things to fill in!
Writing down what we are grateful for helps us maintain and gain perspective on all we are blessed with!
The next space is to list what you love about yourself today. There is an inner critic inside you, but there is also an inner champion! I want to teach you to listen to your inner champion!
Putting on paper what we intend to do to help is a powerful indicator that we will actually provide the help that is needed. Maybe it's a coworker who is struggling or a fellow SAHM who needs your friendship; whoever it is, write it down, then go help them!
We all need more water. End of story! TRACK IT!
Setting an intention to be a JOYSTARTER (someone who notices joy, spreads joy, and is joy) is something you decide to do. Make a note of ways you can be joyful in a dark world! And use the blank space to write how that played out the next day. Remember, you are leaving a written legacy. Tell a great story!
The final block is marked "Audaciousness." I teach on a concept called the audacious hour. I spend one hour each week doing audacious things like emailing people I would like to work with, pitching myself for jobs or opportunities, going for my dreams, and more. The crazier, the better! And you can split it up into smaller increments as well!
I hope you love this journal as much as I do. I am using it right alongside you as we speak! Want to talk about what you are learning? Join us for FREE for 30 days in the JoystartersClub.com!
Thank you for believing in my dream!
Rachel Joy Baribeau (Rohe)